Falsehood Leads to Intercession Delusion

Praise be to Allah, Lord of The Universe, who revealed the Qur’an to the messenger and commanded him to recite it unto us. Praise be to Allah, Lord of The Universe, who has preserved the Qur’an, has taught the Qur’an, and has made it easy. Praise be to Allah, Lord of The Universe, who made…

The Obligation to Warn About Intercession

Peace be upon the believers. May the non-believers be guided. This is a short piece of writing about the obligation given in the Qur’an to warn people about intercession. The purpose of the writing is to assist the Islamic community to acknowledge, accept, and carry out this significant obligation. The context of this matter is…

Islamisation of Permaculture

INTRODUCTION   O mankind! Worship your Lord who created you, and those before you, so that you may attain the fear of God. He who has made the earth a couch for you, and the sky a canopy, and sent down rain from the heavens, and brought forth with it fruit for you as sustenance….

Why There is Strife

There’s strife. It’s called ‘fitnah’ in Arabic. We see the news. There is fitnah. This man, Hasan Farhan al Maliki, has worked out what’s happening. Praise be to Allah.

Does The Hikmah Mean the Sunnah?

Bismillahirahmaniraheem Praises and thanks be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. He neither forgets nor errs. He has revealed the Truth. He has told us that it’s the truth. He is The Truth. Praise be to Allah. Allah guides and none can guide whom He misguides. Praise be to Allah, He is the All-Knowing. May…


Bismillahirrahmanirraheem It’s simple. Through the praising and blaming of one who knows what is praiseworthy and what is blameworthy, the uneducated become educated. Take a pepaya farmer training a novice fruitpicker. He says this and this about a particular pepaya, in praise of the good aspects of it, so that the person knows it’s a…


Allah bertanya pertanyaan: Bahkan adakah mereka mengambil para perantara selain dari pada Allah? Kemudian Allah sendiri menjawab Katakanlah: Pada hal mereka tidak mempunyai suatu apapun dan tidak pula berakal? Bismillahirrahmanirraheem Di dalam al Qur’an, pengambilan perantara tercela bersama jenis-jenis kemusyrikan yang lain: Bahkan adakah mereka mengambil para perantara selain dari pada Allah? Katakanlah: Pada hal…